
3 Different Diets Dissected: Keto, Whole 30, and Intermittent Fasting

In-Shape | 28 Dec, 2023 | Wellness Tips & Trends | Return|

Keto: Fueling Your Body's Fat-Burning Superpowers 

Imagine indulging in bacon and eggs for breakfast while still shedding those extra pounds – that's the magic of the keto diet (well kinda). With the keto diet, you want to limit too many processed foods, but focus on high-quality high-far foods. It’s a whole lifestyle centered around teaching your body to burn fat for energy. By cutting carbs, this diet pushes your system into a metabolic state called ketosis. It's all about avocado, nuts, fish, and oils while bidding farewell to sugars, grains, and fruits. Say hello to a slimmer you and steady energy levels! 


Intermittent Fasting: Rewiring Your Relationship with Food 

Forget strict meal plans and endless food restrictions! Intermittent fasting gives you the freedom to eat on your terms. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of fasting and eating. There are different variations, but the most common ones are the 16/8 method and the 5:2 diet. The 16/8 method involves restricting daily eating to an 8-hour window while fasting for 16 hours. The 5:2 diet recommends eating normally for five days a week and restricting calorie intake to 500-600 calories on the other two days.  

Picture this: skip breakfast, have a hearty lunch, and a satisfying dinner – all within an 8-hour window. Or maybe you're the 5:2 champ, enjoying normal eating five days a week and just a touch of calorie control on the other two. This flexible approach doesn't focus on what you eat but rather when you eat, promising weight loss, better blood sugar control, and even cellular rejuvenation. With that said, we’re big fans of combining clean eating with intermittent fasting to fuel your body with fresh, whole foods, while reaping the benefits of fasting.  


Whole30: The 30-Day Food Makeover 

Ever wished you could press the reset button on your eating habits? Enter Whole30, a 30-day adventure that transforms your relationship with food. Think of it as a cleanse, but without the hunger pangs. You'll bid adieu to sugars, grains, dairy, legumes, and processed foods while embracing the goodness of whole, unprocessed meals. The beauty? After this reset, you reintroduce banned foods to see how your body reacts. It's like discovering your body's secret code for feeling fantastic! 


Whichever you select, all three of these ways of eating, in combination with a great workout routine, can help you kick off the New Year stronger than ever.  


Disclaimer: The information provided by the regarding dietary recommendations is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace or substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Before making any changes to your diet or starting a new exercise routine, it is strongly advised to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or registered dietitian.  

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